How Best to Combat Spyware?

Spyware can be more than an annoyance. Poorly programmed spyware can interfere with other programs and can even cause system instability. Privacy issues are at stake as well.

This type of software is often installed without a user's consent and often can't be uninstalled without special tools. When distributors use tricks and deception to install uninvited software, trust is destroyed.

The first line of defense against spyware is to be careful installing software. Know what's being downloaded. A large percentage of freeware or shareware programs have spyware embedded in them. Sometimes that's disclosed in the user agreement, but often not.

Before downloading any new software, look for guarantees that it's spyware free. Even so, be on your guard — the file-sharing program Kazaa has been claiming to be spyware-free for years. Anyone who installs this software soon has an opportunity to test this claim.

How can you tell if you have spyware on your system? You may see pop-up advertisements even when you aren't browsing the web. Your homepage may have been changed without your consent. New toolbars are installed on your web browser which you didn't request. Your computer may be sluggish or mysteriously reboot on its own. Though, the last effect is usually a virus.

If you find your system bogged down with spyware, don't give up hope. There are several utilities specifically designed for removing spyware from your computer. They rely on frequently updated databases which contain signature files of all known spyware and adware. They scan all the files on your hard drive and alert you if 'uninvited guests' are found.

Many are free, though sometimes the paid versions have more automation features such as removing spyware on receipt rather than requiring a manual scan. None will find every piece of spyware on your system, since they rely on a database which has to be populated according to someone's judgment. And, one man's spyware is sometimes another's welcomed advertiser.

Some spyware is notoriously difficult to remove. They may make several alterations to your system settings and install files in different places. Often the only way to remove this type of spyware is to find the locations of all the files and manually delete them.

Needless to say, this should be performed only by skilled users. Deleting the wrong files can damage your programs and even your operating system.

One software tool that can help you remove difficult spyware is called 'HijackThis'. It creates a list of files which could have been altered with spyware. The list is very comprehensive and also includes system files and files installed by legitimate software, so take care.

HijackThis wasn't designed to be a spyware removal tool, but it can be used to locate persistent and hard to remove spyware. It requires knowledge of various system settings and you must be careful when changing them. It's possible to disable your system with the wrong setting. Fortunately, there's a community of HijackThis experts on the Internet willing to give free advice about suspicious entries.

Once your system is spyware free — help keep it that way. Some of the spyware removal tools include utilities that can protect your computer from being exposed to spyware. Much like virus scanners, they monitor changes to your system files and alert you of any suspicious activity.

And, of course, beware those tempting looking free offers. You may get more than you bargained for.





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